The Terre dei due Mari can be traveled by bicycle in all their extension. During the summer the coastal area, with its beautiful beaches, the promenade and the coastlines, is filled with lovers of two wheels that can enjoy time and space as they please. The dedicated itinerary extends in the southern part of these lands, between Portopalo di Capo Passero and Porto Ulisse. The territory is largely flat: of 24 kilometers of route, the highest point at sea level is 37 meters, so it is suitable for everyone. Passable throughout the year: it mainly develops on driveways and asphalted roads and does not require special equipment or technical bikes. The departure is from the Terrace of the two Seas, panoramic point in the town of Portopalo di Capo Passero. The last stretch of the Ionian Sea and the small islet of Capo Passero follow this route for a while. After passing through the small town of Portopalo, head first towards the harbor, following the port, and then through the vineyards and the cherry trees. The first stage is on the extreme point of the territory: from here the gaze stops at the Isola delle Correnti. The stop is carried out on the little square that precedes the beach, a parking area during the summer. From here, on foot, you can walk the stretch of beach that leads to the island: an isthmus of a few tens of meters walkable during low tide, especially in summer. The longest section of the itinerary is 21 kilometers. Going up the coast, head north-west through cultivated fields, vineyards and protected plants in greenhouses with thousands of cherry tomatoes. The red color of the cluster fruits accompanies us for several kilometers! Then the path turns to the east. You return to pedal along the coast, through the village of Granelli, leaving the province of Syracuse and entering the Ragusa area. Thus we arrive in the incredible expanse of Pantano Longarini waters. During the period of rest (in spring or autumn) it is not rare to see hundreds of pink flamingos passing through these brackish waters: it is a unique show in the world. The peace of this place does not invite to leave: here it really seems that time stops. The last 3 kilometers of route develop along the coast, heading towards one of the most famous destinations in the area: Porto Ulisse. Named in honor of the great Homeric hero, who challenged the ire of the gods of the sea and the sky and landed on one of the most beautiful islands in the world: Sicily. From these cliffs you can see to the west the cliffs of Cirica, close to the "secche di Circe", the cause of many shipwrecks of Roman and Byzantine ships.

                                                                                                                                                                                               Source GAC dei due mari


A coast as fascinating as that of the Two Seas is, since time immemorial, a popular destination for nautical tourism and pleasure craft thanks to small natural landings, coves, piers born as breakwaters and then used as temporary staging points, as well as beautiful marinas well supplied and equipped for the needs of ordinary navigation service. Starting from the northeastern part of the Land of the two Seas, we identify one of the most suggestive areas for a temporary landing: the small port of Marina di Avola, close to the ancient tonnara and the ancient fishing village, consists of a single breakwater arm. has created an inlet suitable for docking small boats. The marina has sandy and shallow bottom. The navigation to the landing of Calabernardo, in the territory of Noto, follows a low and sandy coast, full of beaches, villages and coastal tourist villages. The distance between the two marinas is 1,73 nautical miles. This small marina consists of two piers of 50 and 20 meters, barely accessible for boats of considerable size, due to shallow waters that reach the deepest point 1.50 meters. Availability of water through a fountain and slide for small boats. From this little port, sailing to the south skirts one of the most beautiful beaches in Italy, Calamosche, followed by the superb view of the Vendicari Wildlife Oasis, with its marshes, the Sveva tower and the tonnara, to arrive in the maritime village of Marzamemi . This site really deserves a prolonged visit. Navigation covers 7.92 nautical miles In the Borgata di Marzamemi, two ports are available: La Balata and Porto Fossa. The small port of Marzamemi, La Balata, is protected by a pier of 150 meters, signaled in the head by a green light. From the beach there are some floating docks. The largest port of Marzamemi is Porto Fossa, a few hundred meters from the previous one. It is able to accommodate over 400 boats, up to a maximum length of 55 meters. Both ports have the possibility of refueling, water and electricity sockets, lighting docks, slipway, toilets and showers. To get to the southernmost tip of Europe you need to sail for another 8.5 nautical miles, leaving a heterogeneous coastline to the right, which alternates rocky beaches with hidden coves. The Port of Portopalo di Capo Passero is made up of a 360-meter east pier and a 390 meter-long western pier. The port is mainly home to the fishing boats, even if there are no shortages for nautical tourism. Refueling services, water and electricity sockets, docks lighting, slipways, toilets and showers. The longest stretch of navigation starts now: 17.80 nautical miles. We skirt the southernmost tip of Sicily, the Isola delle Correnti, where the meeting of the two Seas is always bubbling. Going up the coast, leaving the enchanting Carratois beach to starboard and crossing Porto Ulisse, you can admire the spectacular cliffs of Cirica, the long beaches of Santa Maria del Focallo, Pietre Nere and Raganzino to get to Porto Piccolo in Pozzallo. Located just north of the commercial port, it is protected by two piers that enclose a dock entirely docked and used by fishing boats, pleasure boats and port facilities. It has an availability of 150 berths and refueling services, water and electricity sockets, lighting docks, slipway, toilets and showers.

Source GAC dei due mari


The culture of the sea and its resources, the enhancement of the fish and marine heritage, the defense of the biocenosis, pass through the fishing industry: a supplementary activity to the daily fishing that takes place on board fishing boats or small craft fishing. It was initially born as an opportunity to integrate the income of the fishermen who practice it, upon authorization, by hosting on board their boats people different from their crew for the carrying out of tourist - recreational activities. In this way it is possible to observe the professional or sport fishing techniques, the use of baits or special hooks, but above all participate in the spread of a culture of the sea, for a sustainable fishing that respects measures, places, methodologies and fishing times . Fishing tourism can be carried out throughout the year, including holidays and favorable weather and sea conditions, in some cases even at night. The activity is open to everyone, even those under 14 if accompanied by a responsible adult. This itinerary has as a starting point the fishing port of Portopalo di Capo Passero, it being understood that also all other marinas of the territory of the Gac of the two Seas, are organized for fishing tourism. The time of departure and return is agreed according to the needs of tourists and / or weather and sea conditions. Once you leave the port, head south-west, towards the Isola delle Correnti. The batting point is about 2.5 nautical miles from the port. Admire the island, turn its bow to the east and descend the Conzo or Palamito to the sea. It is the oldest of fishing tools: it consists of a variable number of hooks (maximum 200 for non-professional fishermen) that are attached to a single line by means of beams (small pieces of fishing line) and brought to the bottom by appropriate leads. The Conzo, recognizable by floating signals, is left at sea for a period of time at the discretion of the fisherman. During the wait, the boat directs the bow towards the island of Capo Passero, about 5 nautical miles away and slowly circumnavigates it in order to admire it in all its magnificence. Then it heads towards the old Tonnara and the castle Tafuri (a monumental building of the beginning of the century, built as a summer residence by the Marquises of Belmonte). In this beautiful bay it is possible to take a dip. Go back on board, the boat head goes to the point where the Conzo has been lowered, identifying the floats that signal its presence: they will begin the operations of recovery of fishing gear and any catch. All unsuitable fish, if still alive, is rejected in the sea: for each species there is a table of minimum measures to be respected, even if the best meter is in the consciousness of those who fish. The excursion lasts one or half day: it is also possible to have lunch on board for the number of people indicated by the authorizations issued by the Maritime Authority. The return is scheduled in the port of embarkation, unless different needs or special needs.

Source GAC dei due mari


All the area has beautiful caribbean beaches. There are also many different types of beach. Many are sandy, some beaches are natural solariums on the rocks. From June to September, many beaches have many services such as showers, changing rooms, deck chairs, bar and restaurants. In the table below there is a selection of the most beautiful beaches. The natural beaches do not have these services, but they are often the most beautiful. To find them, the best way is to inquire with the locals.






Siracusa (SR)

La Spinazza


0 km



La Zotta


0 km



San Lorenzo - Reitani

Marzamemi – Noto

2 km



Vendicari – San Lorenzo

Marzamemi – Noto

3 km





1 km





4 km



Scalo Mandrie

Portopalo di C.P.

6 km

Rocks and sand


Carratois – Punta delle formiche

Portopalo di C.P.

9 km



Beach Calamosche Vendicari


6 km


Ragusa (RG)



10 km


Tutte la zona ha belle spiagge caraibiche, dalle tipologie differenti: molte sono di sabbia, altre sono dei solarium naturali sulle rocce. Da Giugno a Settembre molte spiagge hanno tanti servizi come docce, spogliatoi, sedie a sdraio, bar e ristorante. Nella tabella sottostante si trova una selezione di belle spiagge. Le spiagge naturali non hanno questi servizi, ma sono spesso le più belle perché incontaminate. Per trovarle il miglior modo è informarsi con la gente del posto!


Nome spiaggia


Distanza da Marzamemi

Tipologia spiaggia


La Spinazza


0 km



La Zotta


0 km



San Lorenzo - Reitani

Marzamemi – Noto

2 km



Vendicari – San Lorenzo

Marzamemi – Noto

3 km





1 km





4 km



Scalo Mandrie

Portopalo di C.P.

6 km

Scoglio e Sabbia


Carratois – Punta delle formiche

Portopalo di C.P.

9 km



Spiaggia Calamosche Vendicari


6 km





10 km




Una costa così affascinante come quella dei Due Mari è, da tempo immemorabile, meta ambita del turismo nautico e da diporto grazie a piccoli approdi naturali, calette, pontili nati come frangiflutti e utilizzati poi come punti di sosta momentanea, oltre agli splendidi porti turistici ben forniti ed attrezzati per le esigenze di servizio ordinario alla navigazione. A partire dalla parte nordorientale della Terra dei due Mari, individuiamo una delle zone più suggestive per un approdo momentaneo: il porticciolo diMarina di Avola, a ridosso dell’antica tonnara e dell’antico borgo marinaro è costituito da un unico braccio di frangiflutti, che ha creato un’insenatura adatta all’attracco di piccole imbarcazioni. Il porticciolo ha fondo sabbioso e poco profondo. La navigazione verso l’approdo di Calabernardo, nel territorio di Noto, segue una costa bassa e sabbiosa, ricca di spiagge, di villaggi e borghi turistici costieri. La distanza tra i due porticcioli è di 1,73 miglia nautiche. Questo piccolo porticciolo è costituito da due moli di 50 e 20 metri, poco agibile per imbarcazioni di notevoli dimensioni, a causa di bassi fondali che raggiungono nel punto più profondo 1,50 metri. Disponibilità di acqua tramite una fontana e scivolo per piccole imbarcazioni. Da questo porticciolo, la navigazione verso sud costeggia una delle spiagge più belle d’Italia, Calamosche, seguita dalla vista superba dell’Oasi Faunistica di Vendicari, con i suoi pantani, la torre Sveva e la tonnara, per arrivare nel borgo marinaro di Marzamemi. Questo sito merita davvero una visita prolungata. La navigazione copre 7,92 miglia nautiche Nella Borgata di Marzamemi, sono disponibili due porti: La Balata e Porto Fossa. Il Porticciolo piccolo di Marzamemi, La Balata, è protetto da un molo di 150 metri, segnalato in testata da un fanale verde. Dalla spiaggia si protendono alcune banchine galleggianti. Il porto più grande di Marzamemi è Porto Fossa, a poche centinaia di metri dal precedente. E’ capace di ospitare oltre 400 imbarcazioni, fino a lunghezze massime di 55 metri. Entrambi i porti hanno la possibilità di rifornimento carburante, prese per acqua ed energia elettrica, illuminazione banchine, scalo d'alaggio, servizi igienici e docce. Per arrivare nella punta più a sud d’Europa occorre navigare per altre 8,5 miglia nautiche, lasciando scorrere a dritta una costa eterogenea, che alterna spiagge rocciose a calette nascoste. Il Porto di Portopalo di Capo Passero è formato da un molo di levante di 360 metri e dal molo di ponente di 390 mt. Il porto è principalmente sede della marineria dei pescherecci, anche se non mancano gli approdi per il turismo nautico. Servizi di rifornimento carburante, prese per acqua ed energia elettrica, illuminazione banchine, scalo d'alaggio, servizi igienici e docce. Inizia adesso il tratto di navigazione più lungo: 17,80 miglia nautiche. Costeggiamo la punta più meridionale della Sicilia, l’Isola delle Correnti, dove l’incontro dei due Mari è sempre spumeggiante. Risalendo la costa, lasciando a dritta l’incantevole spiaggia di Carratois e attraversando Porto Ulisse, è possibile ammirare gli spettacolari faraglioni di Cirica, le lunghissime spiagge di Santa Maria del Focallo, Pietre Nere e di Raganzino per arrivare al Porto Piccolo di Pozzallo. Situato subito a nord del porto commerciale, è protetto da due moli che racchiudono un bacino interamente banchinato e utilizzato da imbarcazioni da pesca, diporto e da mezzi portuali. Ha una disponibilità di 150 posti barca e servizi di rifornimento carburante, prese per acqua ed energia elettrica, illuminazione banchine, scalo d'alaggio, servizi igienici e docce.

Fonte GAC dei due mari

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About Us

The Pro Loco Marzamemi is a voluntary association, of a privatistic nature, non-profit, with a value of public social utility, and with relevance of public interest.



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