



Typical Sicilian restaurant, taste of culinary tradition

Inside the structure there is a small restaurant available for guests and open upon reservation, where you can enjoy numerous recipes of the renowned Sicilian cuisine, known throughout the world for its sobriety and its simple flavors, still strongly linked to its traditions: a rustic, peasant cuisine, but at the same time also refined, noble, always accompanied by a sense of proportion and absolute respect for the ingredients.


Contrada San Lorenzo

96018 PACHINO (SR)
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+39.093 15 92 413
+39.333 31 77 457



Ristorante tipico Siciliano, il sapore della tradizione culinaria

All’interno della struttura si trova un piccolo ristorante disponibile per gli ospiti e aperto su prenotazione, nel quale potrete gustare numerose ricette della rinomata cucina siciliana, conosciuta in tutto il mondo per la sua sobrietà e per i suoi sapori semplici, ancora fortemente legata alle sue tradizioni: una cucina rustica, contadina, ma allo stesso tempo anche raffinata, nobile, accompagnata sempre dal senso della misura e del rispetto assoluto degli ingredienti.


Address: Contrada San Lorenzo
96018 PACHINO (SR)

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

+39.093 15 92 413
+39.333 31 77 457

Festa della musica sponsored by the Mibact!

Here we are again, this year ready for a new edition of the event!! A day entirely committed to music, which will involve the historic center of our precious village. Live bands will perform from afternoon to evening!
June 21, 2020: to participate, contact us through the Facebook page @festadellamusicamarzamemi.

We are at the 6th edition of the blue fish festival!
An event now consolidated over time, an event that holds the true essence of traditions, good music, fresh and 0 km food. Anchovies and sardines are the queens of the event, the "poor" fish of the ancient village of Marzamemi, but at the same time rich, with healthy properties and history.
The festival, in three days, consists of enogastronomy with the event "Vini in Tonnara", excellences of the territory, refined craftsmanship, cooking competitions for professionals, shows and moments of cultural exchanges.
Well it can't be explained in words, you have to LIVE IT! WE ARE WAITING FOR YOU!

Siamo alla 6° edizione del festival del pesce azzurro! Un evento ormai consolidato nel tempo, un evento che racchiude la vera essenza delle tradizioni, della buona musica, del buon cibo, fresco ed a km 0.
Acciughe e sarde sono le regine della manifestazione, il pesce "povero" del borgo antico di #Marzamemi, ma allo stesso tempo ricco, di proprietà salutari e di storia.
Il festival, nei tre giorni, racchiude l'enogastronomia con Vini in Tonnara, eccellenze del territorio, artigianato raffinato, concorsi di cucina per professionisti, spettacoli e momenti di scambi culturali. Beh non si può spiegare a parole, dovete VIVERLO!
#STAYTUNED #Workinprogress

28 29 e 30 agosto 2020 A Marzamemi!

info 3920912515

But what exactly does "green flag beach" mean? They are all those child-friendly beaches recognized directly by expert pediatricians.
The requirements that Vendicari also had to comply with in order to be considered as such are the following: clear and low water near the shore, sand for towers and castles, games, spaces to change diapers or breastfeeding, nearby ice cream shops, restaurants for adults.
In other words, summer is still far away, but you already know where to take your children! 

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About Us

The Pro Loco Marzamemi is a voluntary association, of a privatistic nature, non-profit, with a value of public social utility, and with relevance of public interest.



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